Ribs Cage (ribs that are out)

In order to fix the rib and have it stay in, it is important to identify the specific restriction and the structural issue that is driving it.

When patients report that they have a rib that is “out” they are usually in a great deal of pain. A rib that is “out” is usually a rib that is stuck in a twisted position that puts pressure on sensitive nerves and ligaments. In order to fix the rib and have it stay in, it is important to identify the specific restriction and the structural issue that is driving it. Most commonly ribs “go out” when the bone they attach to on the spine has a chronic twist or scoliosis. Once the reason for the rib pain is identified, we can choose from thrust manipulation (popping), percussion, muscle energy or functional mobilization to get things aligned and moving again. Our therapists then use specialized taping techniques, and neural retraining for breathing and postural muscles so the benefits will last.