Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

Not all surgical rehab is the same.  We may have the same surgeon-prescribed protocols and precautions, but we add Manual Therapy.

Have you ever wondered why some professional athletes are never quite the same after an injury and others are as good as ever?  We believe it has everything to do with rehab.  The athlete that returned to greatness was not just riding a bike, using machines, or getting in a pool.   They had one on one care with manually resisted exercise.  They had a therapist making sure that the muscle contraction in the core and surgical area were coordinated, the alignment of surrounding joints was corrected, and the scar tissue was released.   It is a process that requires observation, know-how and skill.  The benefits of Manual Therapy aren’t just for professional athletes, the same skills can be used to get you back to your normal life.  It is not uncommon for patients to come to our clinic after completing therapy somewhere else because they are still having problems.  They are surprised that other clinics didn’t even look at the overall health of their surgical joint and suggested that it would work itself out in a year. We believe that therapists can and should do better.